Irrational Monica in dreamy Portugal-the country where the buildings of the State institutions are painted in pink, where you go to work at 10 o'clock just to have a place from where you could go away and have a "bica"-this is my favorite coffeeeeeee-well, it is just an espresso but I love it-and the place where you socialize with the grocery sales persons and all your neighbors.

I know I am passionately in love with this place because I am irrational-yes, I have to confess-but I know it will go away (not my love, nooooo), just my crazy irrational state of mind. I discovered this today when I was thinking that I should breathe this air more properly and fill up my lungs with the fresh and clean air of Portugal.... so I breathed in carefully and thoroughly and enjoyed that for a while ....and then I realized that I was in the middle of a street full of cars....so this is when I figured out that this must be crazy love. But I like my love and I like thinking that all these beautiful feelings that I have must go somewhere in the Universe and stay there, just to come back when I need them most or when it is their time :-) The dilemmas of the day are: how strong do you have to wish for a thing so that it could become reality and what happens with this love I told you about....I haven't discovered the secret yet, but if I do, I will let you know the answer so that you can fulfill your beautiful, secret dreams too.

good morning from Portugal :)