When magic has to happen it just happens, it comes to you and you are heading in the right direction like a magnet. This is what I did too. I had no idea where to go, just jumped in my car, followed the seagulls and smiled at the Sun. At a given moment, I decide to stop at the first beach that "gets in my way"-so there it is, praia Grande, close to Colares. I've been there before, about two times, but it is not a place where I go very often. I stop, get into a shop, get some raspberry ice-cream, smile at a worried salesman, he smiles back and he seems to be happy...I go out with my books, sit on a bench and then.....magic begins :-))
I see somebody stopping just in front of me, it was a friend of mine with his girlfriend-I haven't seen him in years so that was a nice surprise especially that I want to say goodbye to so many people but never get to schedule anything given my crazy program. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was there for 5 minutes and there he was....

I think the effect of my very spiritual book placed me soon into the middle of the beach reading. I had no idea what I was waiting for, just enjoying sooooo much the day and the Sun. I guess in a previous life I must have been an Egyptian Sun worshiper because otherwise I cannot explain my CRAZY love for the Sun. My friends know that sometimes I even talk to him to get out of the clouds and most of the time he does that-and very soon :-) but hey....you would think I am crazy :-)

I decide to take a walk and ..... get to see one of the most beautiful, overwhelming serene sunset I have ever seen in my life. I don't know how it manages to surprise me every single time. It is like the first time I see a sunset, it is like the first time I get to hear the Ocean and I am completely amazed and transposed to another dimension. Really to another dimension, where nothing really matters, where everything is love, where all the worries are gone and my heart is so happy.

.`.dan in nina`s account:
ResponderEliminar"atunci cand un lucru te incearca ,prinde-l si cerceteaza-l si apoi lasa-l sa treaca ca si cum nu a exista; daca acest fapt revine...va fi al tau petru totdeauna"
warning! "in bine sau in rau acesta!"
da, merci-mi-ai mai spus tu asta candva si imi place-cred ca e foarte adevarat :-) pup pe amandoi
ResponderEliminarpoate nu ai sa crezi...insa EU nu mint pe nimeni!
ResponderEliminardan :)))